They would have needed me to help soak up some of the damage, or at least distract the monsters more often and be more of a utility player. Had I been playing in a smaller group with low health classes, I don’t think I could have played this build. In my 4 player Gloomhaven group, I played with a tank, a support, and an area of effect player, so me taking on the role of a single target damage player worked perfectly.

It uses a set sequence of cards and combos to maximize damage. Very much a lone-wolf style of play where you pick off monsters and leave your teammates to do their thing.

Like all Gloomhaven classes, part of the fun comes from figuring out how to play them. Nightshroud class miniature and character board Why a Nightshroud Invisible Damage build? Why a Nightshroud Invisible Damage build?.
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